Lake Shinonome
The purpose of this travel to Obihiro (Hokkaido Pref.) was to visit one of the secluded lakes named "Shinonome." There are two ways to get there, one is to walk 90 minutes, another is to row a small boat 40 minutes and to walk 20 minutes. We did not hesitate to select the latter way.

16-Sep-2007 (Sun)

Below is the map I put my GPS track data on [Kashimir 3D] whose width is about 4km.

[Birs'seye view]

We ate bowls of rice topped with pig flesh for lunch, and rented a row boat and departed the west bank of Lake Shikaribetsu on 13.40.

The ships ply the Lake as been shown the photograph below. They had landed the east bank of Lake Shikaribetsu which is near to Lake Shinonome. But they ceased from landing a few years ago to protect the environment from destruction.

[Cabin cruiser]

After 40 minute row, we landed on the east bank of Lake Shikaribetsu and proceeded to Lake Shinonome on foot.

[Arriving point]

After 15 minute walk, we found a guide stake of Lake Shinonome. The shore of Lake Shinonome was close as its surface is upper left on the photograph below, but it took about 10 minutes to slash bamboo thicket to get there.

[End of trail]

Unfortunately the weather was not good as the lake was covered with fog.

What was more unfortunate was that we found no rabbit named "Nakiusagi " nor squirrel.

[Lake Shinonome]

We went back along the same route and arrived at the starting point on 16.00.

[Starting point]

We found an open-air spring over the rental boat wharf.

Copyright (C) 2007 Isao HARADA